Wesatyn performs the structural review and auditing of existing floors, walls and foundations for any structural modifications of existing buildings to facilitate correct and safe equipment installation, retrofit or upgrade for any new mechanical equipment, HVAC units, chillers, air-handling units, boilers, ventilation fans, etc. New Ontario Building Code (OBC) 2006 requirements are evaluated and incorporated into all new structural modifications.

Wesatyn’s Structural Engineering expertise is in the design and development of:

  • Structural Steel
  • Reinforced Concrete Design
  • Timber Design
  • Masonry
  • Structural Audits
  • Structural Repair and Restoration
  • Design-Build Projects

Wesatyn also evaluates OBC 2006 snow load and seismic load requirements, designing and detailing the necessary structural modifications. For property owners/managers that require an action plan for snow roof removal, Wesatyn provides due diligence reports of existing roof structures for the design of snow loads and the recommended maximum snow accumulation allowed on roofs.